
Susanne de Munck Mortier is an international Legacy Leader for
Sensitive People and founder of the International Hsp Center. She is
currently based in Tuscany, Italy and born in The Netherlands.

Susanne helps you create your legacy by discovering your ‘purposeful
why’ and how to make a difference within others. She help you embrace
your high sensitivity and guide you as you follow your ‘Knowing’ to
create meaningful footprints on your path and shine in the world. In this way you can become
the world changer you are meant to be and not the person who you
became. Doing so, Susanne is simultaneously creating her own legacy for our sensitive people in the world.

Many highly sensitive people struggle with discovering their
talents. Susanne helps our gifted highly sensitive people overcome self-
doubt and discover how many talents they actually have.
Using her unique observation skills, combined with her own high
sensitivity, Susanne empowers overwhelmed adults in order to support
our highly sensitive children in the world. She does this using a unique
methodology where she observes from the social, emotional, cognitive,
physical, and spiritual perspective to create peace and calm in mind. In
doing this they receive more clarity into their daily actions and get their
vitality back.

Susanne is the initiator of the HspVillage vision, Maverick community
for Sensitive Men, Highly Sensitive Men Project, The Compassionate
episodes, Christmas Connectors project, HspGarden project, Loveliness
Project, Global Highly Sensitive Men’ s Summit Experience and many
more events to follow.

The International Hsp Center believes in the following 4 disciplines:
1) Actively spreading awareness about highly sensitive people and
connecting hsp’s worldwide.
2) Spreading awareness for and about our highly sensitive men.
3) Supporting parents with highly sensitive children who struggle in
4) Empowering compassionate high performers, visionary leaders, world
improvers, and high achievers to reach their next level and accomplish
meaningful goals that they thought were impossible.

Susanne works virtually or one on one privately with her adult clients
who fly to Tuscany, Italy for a week or more.
Currently, she teaches a masterclass for parents, does live interviews
per request, spreads awareness in schools and in teacher’s academies,
and is writing a book ‘How to Support Your Sensitive Child’s Needs in
Education’. She advocates for highly sensitive men by writing articles
and founded the Maverick community for highly sensitive men.

In subscribing to my newsletter at the homepage of my website, parents
will receive the free video ‘How to validate your sensitive child’s
emotions and feelings’. She also gives a complimentary 30 minute call
for highly sensitive adults who need clarity in their situation or want to
understand better the legacy they want to leave behind to change the

You can also connect through the following FB groups and pages:
* Page(s)-
Susanne- International Hsp Center:
Susanne- Supporting your highly sensitive child in education:
Susanne- Hsp Foundation:

* Group(s)-
Susanne- Persone Altamente Sensibili:
Susanne- Empowering Sensitive Educators:

TikTok: @susannedemunckmortier
Instagram: susannedemunckmortier
YouTube: Susanne de Munck Mortier

© Copyright 2021 International HSP Center.